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The German Empire

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The German Empire Empty The German Empire

Post by Schwieger Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:13 am

Alliance Name: The German Empire
IRC Channal: our channel (#tge)
Alliance Forums/Website Link: http://thegermanempire.net/index.php?/index
Team Color: Orange
Leader of the Alliance: Franz Joseph I
Your position in the Alliance: member
Foreign Ambasador
Foreign Ambasador

Number of posts : 1
Location : United States; Kansas


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The German Empire Empty Re: The German Empire

Post by Leopold von Habsburg Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:48 am

Didn't see a need to make 2 channels Smile

Alliance Name: The German Empire
IRC Channel: (#tge)
Alliance Forums/Website Link: http://thegermanempire.net/index.php?/index
Team Color: Orange
Leader of the Alliance: Franz Joseph I
Your position in the Alliance: Minister of State Affairs
Leopold von Habsburg
Leopold von Habsburg
Foreign Ambasador
Foreign Ambasador

Number of posts : 2
Location : Kanada!


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The German Empire Empty Re: The German Empire

Post by Alexei Romanov Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:35 pm

Welcome, I am happy to see both of you here in our forums Smile You have both been masked and you should be able to see the TGE embassy.

My Best Regards,

HM Emperor Alexei Romanov
Alexei Romanov
Alexei Romanov

Number of posts : 71
Location : USA


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The German Empire Empty Re: The German Empire

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